Allan Gandelman, president and founder of the New York Growers and Processors Association, joins Kaelan Castetter on Empire State of Cannabis to discuss hemp regulations and the future of adult-use in New York State.
CCG CEO Kaelan Castetter sat down with Allan Gandelman for an episode of Empire State of Cannabis.
Allan Gandelman is the founder and president of the New York Cannabis Growers & Processors Association, an organization of cannabis growers, processors, and industry partners committed to promoting an economically vibrant, consumer-conscious, and diverse cannabis industry. Gandelman is also the CEO of New York Hemp Oil, a certified organic CBD supplier and processor based out of Cortland, NY.
In this episode, Castetter and Gandelman share their thoughts on hemp regulations in New York and what should be done to establish a healthy, diverse adult-use industry in the state.

According to Gandelman, the key is setting up a fair, free marketplace where small to mid-size operations could grow without restrictions. “I would like to see a thousand [adult-use growing licenses]," as well as an "unlimited" number of dispensaries.
A major issue during the episode is how to construct regulations which promote low barriers of entry and fair competition for small producers. Gandelman stresses the importance of not limiting licenses, which would allow smaller to mid-size operations to easily enter the marketplace. More operations equal more opportunity as well as lower prices for consumers, according to Gandelman.
Kaelan asked Gandelman about the difficulties in establishing regulations that were both fair to small-business while remaining FDA compliant - requirements such as GMP certifications for hemp processors.
“The writing is on the wall that the FDA is going to come in soon and regulate CBD supplements,” - it’s better for the state to prepare itself now so that businesses will have no issues when this happens, according to Gandelman.
Referencing the Hemp Extract Law, a bill championed by the NYCGPA, Kaelan asked if "these regulations may be overburdensome to small business?"
Gandelman acknowledged the high costs for regulations but adds; "if you want to sell at any grocery store or large retailer, they expect it to be a supplement [and adhere to these regulations]" adding that, "this is the compromise the industry has had to make".
As New York looks to legalize cannabis for adult-use and continue on to be a leader for hemp extract, Gandelman state there needs to be a mindset shift at the top levels of New York's government.
Allan said that this would require the “Governor to trust the industry, the leaders of the industry, the state legislature, lawmakers, municipalities… we could do [adult-use] in six months and bring in a billion dollars of tax revenue.”
To hear more about NYCGPA, the state of hemp regulations in New York, the necessity of supporting craft businesses, and the importance of trusting New York with adult-use, watch the full episode below: